Life and Other Things I Don't Understand
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Lep Trick, Albuquerque 11.02.05
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What a lovely vacation I'm having!
Can you feel the sarcasm? I knew that you could.
Sunday, the water pump in my ancient washing machine broke. The dryer's on its last cycle (literally, it only works on one heat setting now) and it won't stop tumbling unless I shut it off manually. Tosses lots of socks out onto the floor when I want to see what's dry. So we spent Sunday appliance shopping. *shudder*
Monday, I had an appointment with the dentist to get my one remaining wisdom tooth pulled, and to see if we could save two cracked molars by building them up for crowns. They'd cracked too far, dammit. Right below the gumline. So, long story short, I've got two healing spots on the right side, one on the left, and I'm saving up for the bridges I get to have done once the gums are fully filled back in. I'd like to go back in time and just smack the crud out of those protesters who kept the flouride out of the water when I was a kid. Flouridated water wasn't a communist plot! It was so Steph'd keep her teeth! They just wanted all of us gumming our food like they knew they'd have to when they got older.
Sipping smoothies and eating scrambled eggs and dreaming of meat, that's me. Positively craving a green chile cheeseburger. Mmmmm...
I'm glad there were no small children at the laundromat on Monday when I lugged in all my baskets... I looked kinda scary with all that bloody gauze in my mouth, and unable to keep my totally-numb lips shut. But I had no choice. I have to wait for Best Buy to bring me laundry bliss on Friday.
I'm off to suck on a cookie...
Friday, November 04, 2005
Still Hoarse
Joe Elliott, Albuquerque, Nov. 2nd
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I mean me, not Mr. Elliott there. I'm sure he didn't shred a vocal chord like it sounds like I did. Maybe if I didn't talk for a living, or had been able to take a vacation day yesterday... ah, well, I'm on vacation for a week starting tomorrow, so maybe if I just don't talk much (hah! like that'll happen!) the voice that makes customers tell me I'm too young to know much about banking will come back. Meantime, I sound kinda like Kirsty Alley after a screaming match.
I was blown away, as usual, by this band that's stolen my musical heart. And for once, the Albuquerque crowd's response didn't disappoint me. They're usually soooo damn laid back. But on Wednesday, even I was feeding off the energy in that arena. I just wish I coulda snuck in my Nikon. As it was, security wasn't too thrilled with my little digital Canon, but they let me keep it. And let me up to the barricade a couple of times to shoot a bit. Not my best, but I'm not too disappointed. At least most of the pics don't have the backs of a crowd of heads in 'em.
I'll tinker with a couple of them that were paled by the smoke machine and the spots and have a couple more up here soon. 'Til then, I'll just be wishin' I could afford to take a Lep Trek. One night every two years is seriously NOT nearly enough.